What are Loyalty Debts and how can they affect YOU Spiritually? by Dream Wise
What are Loyalty Debts
A person's Mind can either make or break them. The Power of the Mind is vast, and it has been abused by those who would seek to control others with Fear, Loyalty Debts.
Spiritual people have long known about the mind and its power, but the knowledge has been lost in recent years. The ancients knew about the mind and used it to their advantage. The Mind is a Tool that can be used for Mass Manipulation whether you deem it good or bad. It all depends on how it is used.
Loyalty Debts are when you deem you owe someone your loyalty. This can be a family member, friend, or even a country. When you have a Loyalty Debt, you feel obligated to repay that person or group for their support. Often, people will take on Loyalty Debts without realizing it.
It’s an Unconscious behavior that ties a situationship in a bow.
When we speak on reciprocity, were talking about the reciprocal nature of the laws of the universe.
You do something GOOD; You FEEL GOOD, YOU get GOOD BACK.
But Loyalty Debts is another form of energy that’s not reciprocal but bonding.
For example, if you are raised in a family with strong loyalty to your country, you may feel like you owe your country your patriotism.
When I was younger, I felt inclined to watch the Texans every Sunday. Not because they were playing good football, but because I was from Houston. I had a loyalty debt to my city.
Loyalty Debts can be used to control people. Just like Fear, fear is often used as a way to control others, but loyalty debts are more covert rather than overt.
For example, if you are told that you owe your loyalty to a country that is at war, you may be more likely to go along with whatever the government says. So, in the 60's they would use fear of jail to draft you and send you to a war that’s none of your business.
Loyalty Debts can also be used to manipulate people into doing things they wouldn't normally do.
For example, I had a friend from my childhood that always had my back. He got me out of some tight situations, and I would always cherish and appreciate that. I felt an unconscious hold of loyalty to this nigga.
When we got into our 20's his club of Choice was these hood clubs, my club of choice was a little more sophisticated. He always needed someone to roll with him, so I did. Tricking my mind into, “These Low Vibrational Hood Spots ain’t that bad”, but I was honestly never impressed and didn't feel right in the environment.
But because of our loyalty for each other, he would go to my club, and I would go to his.
As a result, I was finding myself doing things I didn't want to do just because of the loyalty debt I felt.
I had to break that mental debt burden out of my mind and at first it wasn't easy, because I really did appreciate everything, he had done for me. But it wasn't healthy for me to continue doing things I didn't want to do just out of loyalty.
Not until I started loving on MYSELF more and Being Pure of Heart did, I eradicate that burden.
Loyalty Debts can be positive or negative depending on how they are used. It is important to be aware of them so you can make sure you are not being unconsciously manipulated by Loyalty Debts.
What are some examples of loyalty debts in your life? Have you ever felt like you had to do something you didn't want to do because of a loyalty debt? How did you break free from that? Share your experiences in the comments below.
Much Love
Dream Wise
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